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CB "Altayenergobank" has proved to be stable, dynamic and trustworthy bank. One of the most important and prospective sides of its business - active interbank cooperation on financial markets. CB "Altayenergobank" provides a wide range of services for corresponding banks.


What are the areas of safe investments? How to ensure stability and guaranteed income without direct participation in the operational management? Open your own bank office!

Owing a bank was unattainable dream of each Russian businessman. Now it has become possible to open your own bank office without millions of dollar investments, licensing and years of technology building. Becoming franchisee of the "Instant Money" program by CB "Altayenergobank" (license number 1975 CBR) you get access to the well-tested technological solutions and successful retail banking products.

Why retail format?
The answer is simple: there are only two long-term sources of competitiveness in Russia - natural resources and a huge consumer market. The first point is not accessible for everyone; therefore we offer to make a gain working on the consumer market to our franchisee partners. The market of retail banking services in Russia is not saturated, and the product range which is accessible for our franchisees covers almost all needs of the middle and below middle-segments of the Russian population (more than 90% of the population of our country).

Anikina Marina Valerevna

tel.: +7 (495) 660-50-66 (add. 134); mob.: +7 (905) 599-60-35;
e-mail: [email protected]

Possible formats of cooperation

Franchise "Instant Money" implies 2 forms: loans granting center and financial center.

Loans granting center is an open format for the shopping center, with 1-2 employees working in one shift. Payback period for this format does not exceed 9 months.

Financial center is a stand-alone commercial premises 30-70 square meters, with 2-4 employees (depends on the customer stream). Payback period for this format does not exceed 14 months.

We offer you high-tech business based on the unique technological banking platform and flexible, competitive banking products which you will be able to offer your clients.

The Bank conducts geographical policy diversifying its partners according to their type of business and you can be sure that your investments are protected safely!

Franchise "Instant Money" is a unique proposal with good prospects of development and quick return on investment. The Bank has extensive experience in sales and business partnership building (B2B): more than 2000 partners are working with the Bank across the country nowadays, which guarantees our support of the partners on the highest level. Our master franchise "Instant Money" (an exclusive franchise) is ideal for cities and towns with a population up to 200 000 people.

Banks - partners

As it is known, only a few dozen of Russian banks have automated "conveyor" system of retail lending. Herewith, many of them do not take into consideration borrowers with low incomes, or those who live in the regions outside the bank's presence. Overall, more than 70 million of potential borrowers (18-75 years), especially in small cities (10-50 thousands of population), are forced to use lombard or microfinance organizations where interest rates are much higher to get loans. This huge market is opened for high-tech banking product - small consumer loans with fast approval and a wide network of issuance and redemption facilities.

Altayenergobank offers a number of sequential steps for the joint development of the "Instant Money" Inter-bank consumer lending program to its bank-partners. The main postulates of the program are: quickly, cheaply, available. Each Russian citizen calling through the free line 8-800-333-999-0 can get the loan approval, find out the exact payment schedule with lowering loan interest rate and the nearest activation and cash receipt points. Our bank has enhanced the advertising activity significantly in recent times. The start of advertising campaign on the central TV channel is planned very soon, which will bring the quantity of processed loan applications up to 40 000 and above per month according to our plans. An important advertising channel – the sale of the “boxed banking product” through the Russian Post branches and large retail chains. If the client does not receive the loan within 3 months (for any reason), we’ll return 410 rubles on the card (which is provided within the box) back.

We offer cooperation to your Bank in the following areas:

At the first stage, your Bank becomes our activation agent for a commission. We have simplified the rules significantly, that helped us to reduce the average time of operator’s work with a client to 5-7 minutes, ensuring the approval of up to 30 clients per day by every operator-activator.

If your Bank decides to participate in the first stage of the IM program, we can provide you with the data of the loans issued with your participation thereafter. If you are satisfied with the profitability and risks on these loans, your Bank will be able to buy this high-yield portfolio of well-known loans, thus eliminating the risks accompanying the start of the retail business.

If at the end of the first two stages of the project you are sure about this business development prospects in your region, our bank can "switch" the stream of potential borrowers on you together with the scored and standardized loan applications, that will make possible further development of your retail business using your own forces.